We are fortunate to live in a growing community. Along with this, there has been a growing number of news mediums and other outlets to stay informed on the weather forecast.
But when hazardous weather strikes, such as high winds, snow, and extreme heat, most apps aren't accurate enough; most news outlets aren't reporting on our community itself. Rumors float around and data is misreported.The Baltimore Community Weather Alert Program is a community-based, on-the-ground organization which issues alerts to the community when inclement weather approaches. Alerts provide a clear, concise forecast along with actionable guidance.
The Program relies on the assistance of fellow community members. Your contribution will allow us to impact more of the community by keeping them more informed and prepared.
Become a founding sponsor today and join us in making the community safer when inclement weather strikes.
Sponsors are included on our ads and alerts issued to the community, with varying levels of publicity depending on the sponsorship.
Please reach out to Elisha Wolf, Director, at e.wolf@thecwap.org or by texting 667-351-6599 for more information.
As per the psak of Rav Yaakov Hopfer, you can use maaser money towards a sponsorship to the CWAP.
Donations can be made directly online at web.causematch.com/donate/cwap.